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Aboleth – What Everybody Should Know About Aboleths

What Everybody Should Know About Aboleths - House of Lolth

Wondering about the mighty Aboleth? Here is everything you need to know about the Aboleth Monster. Now you might be wondering what the heck an Aboleth is, or you might have somewhat of an idea and just need to iron out some details, but have no fear, the House of Lolth is here! (You don’t […]

Drider – What Everybody Should Know About Driders

What Everybody Should Know About Driders - House of Lolth

Wondering about the elusive Drider? Here is everything you need to know about the Drider Monster. Like a centaur from your nightmares, the Drider is a creation of the Spider Queen, Lolth. They are challenge level 6 and are generally found making themselves a home in the Underdark alone. Possibly they will have banded with […]

How to make your own BBEG

How to make your own BBEG

Been shopping and found the one you want to make is way too expensive? So did we, and thats why we made this easy guide on how to make your own BBEG.  This guide works best for giant big bad evil guys, but could also be modified to work for whatever you are trying to […]